The Hourglass Of Life

Time is like grains of sand falling through an hourglass. However you count the time, we each have a limited amount of time here on earth, which can be measured in many different ways – from minutes to memories, experiences and opportunities… 

For those who measure life in terms of passages of time, there is an inclination to measure by years while growing older, and then in minutes when sensing time is running out. 

As a human being, I am mortal, and thus finite,

My time is running out!” 

This realization of our mortality and that our time is running out can be a great motivational tool which prompts us to be better stewards of that time. We only have so many days to do all of the things we want, and this acknowledgement can help us make better decisions that keep us on track with our goals. It may keep us from “pouring out” our precious time on people and tasks that don’t make us happy, to where – in the end – we would have had little or nothing to show for our limited “grains of sand”. 

My Loved Ones are also mortal and finite,

 “My Loved One’s time is also running out!” 

The hourglass of life can also be a reminder that a Loved One’s time is running out.This creates a completely different kind of motivation – to spend each moment you are able to with them, since you realize each “grain” that falls means you are one moment closer to losing that Loved One. 

Of course, there is no way to stop the “sand” from falling. The desire to make it slow down causes us to think and make decisions differently. We may choose being with them over other activities. We will often pass up personal opportunities, which may not be bad in and of themselves, in order to spend time with our Loved One. 

When you live your life knowing the time you have with your Loved One is running out, you will choose their happiness over your own – which may require sacrifice and giving up opportunities to advance your own life, just to be present and stay in theirs. 

The Hourglass of Life is always present, Find a Balance That Works. 

Sometimes the sound of sand falling seems so loud we can barely live our lives.  The secret is to find a balance, since the hourglass of life never goes away. Your do this by keeping some priorities in your activities.

-Find a way to spend time with your Loved One while still doing what you love. 

-Make time to live your life while sharing theirs. 

-You will have to learn to live with the sound of the sand falling. It is a constant reminder of how little time is left. The best way to deal with it is to make memories without guilt.

-Spend your days with all the people you love, doing what you love.

Always remember “Life is a journey, not a destination”.